Part #2

Well, we will begin slowly. As in my set the basis wasn’t, I cut out him from plywood 3mm. From outside, where the deck will be glued, I have lined places of joints of deck boards. Also from a dense black cardboard thickness 0,5-0,6mm cut a strip for imitation of a caulking iron between boards. As boards I use laths of a light pear of 11х1,5 mm.
At first we paste a lath. Then to an end face we paste a cardboard strip. And afterwards to this lath/cardboard the following lath. At end faces the same technology.
Personally I began to cut off the acting part of a cardboard after a sticker of three rows of laths. It is so more convenient to me. It is also possible to correct something.

In this part so far all.



Part #1

Hi, everybody!
In this blog I begin construction of the French carronada from Mantua firm. Actually I will do two carronada from Mantua – French and English, but I will begin to light construction with French.
To start a photo of the set. The set is from the 70th, without the basis and laths. But it is not a problem, everything is already prepared.
I will be glad to constructive comments and councils.

french carronade 20160616_144307

Welcome to a board!

On this website my works – models of sea guns and carronades are presented.
Also here I have laid out drawings and instructions according to which I did these models.
I hope to you my website will be pleasant.